Industrial Markets


Imagine being able to show prospects the inside of your plant or business without a personal visit. A Spin Tour can give you that capability.

Spin Tours are excellent tools for drawing visitors to your business. Once they see everything you have to offer, they can either visit in person or place an order without the need to see your operation first-hand.

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A Spin Tour allows visitors to “walk around” your property with a click of their mouse. LunaTech 3D captures high-definition photos of all the areas you want to highlight, and places them in your tour. A Google-style carousel across the bottom of the screen allows visitors to choose where they want to begin their tour. They can either walk around that area, or return to the carousel to go to another section of the tour.

Plants can offer physical plant tours and/or process flow tours to help prospective customers see how they can grow their business or solve their manufacturing problems with help from your company. Technology companies can highlight their operation to show their capabilities, past successes and awards. Whatever you want to show in a Spin Tour, you can.

LunaTech 3D can put your Google Tour on steroids. Our interactive tours offer the following benefits, to name a few:

  • Map/Floor plan of a single property or multiple locations to allow selection of a starting point in the Spin Tour
  • Familiar Google-style carousel navigation to allow selection of a starting point in the tour
  • Social media Share buttons always on-screen
  • Clickable HotSpots to instantly display photos, videos, documents and lists.
  • Google Analytics, because you need to know what is happening in the virtual world

Full Google Analytics are included with every interactive tour so you can see EVERYTHING that your website visitors are doing inside of your Google Tour – even in real time! Where do they stay the longest? What are the demographics on your virtual tour guests? What days and times get the most traffic? If Google knows it, you will, too.

Sit behind the anchor desk at Fox News!

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